Sunday 24 April 2011

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Saturday 16 April 2011

funny prank

Of course you want your class to be remembered. You want to leave a legacy. A well planned, well executed senior prank is perfect for that. The whole point of the senior prank is to leave a memory, for you, your classes, your teachers, and your community. A senior prank is a mark of school spirit.
To be successful you'll need organization, planning, persuasion, creativity, and follow through.  You must be creative in coming up with the concept.  You must plan out logistics.  You must tell those you need and those who can be trusted.  You must persuade people to do their job, and do it quietly.  You must be organized - everyone must know their role. And you must follow through with the prank and the clean up. 
It may be possible to enlist janitors, or teachers you are close to...with persuasion.  The key to this is explaining that you want their help, so things don't get out of hand. They may be willing to help out a GOOD PRANK in an effort to prevent a bad one. Also, let them know that all money and cleanup involved will be completed by students.
It is a moment where you can show that you are smart enough to pull one over on them. It is not to get revenge on a teacher or school you don't like, nor is it to cause destruction. This is not meant to be a display of stupidity. Grow up.

Pac Man Cometh 

Real Pacman Runs In Library D:
by EdwardTheFulMtl | video info

432 ratings | 155,938 views
curated content from YouTube

Rank Some Pranks 

A Few Free Ideas

These are a few ideas for funny senior pranks that do NOT include vandalism.

Click the little arrow to give an item a vote up.

Alarm Clock Mayhem

Set alarm clocks to go off about 2 minutes from each other...hide them all around the lockers, bathrooms, ceiling tiles, vents, ...
Put signs around that say Alarm Clock Day or something, so people don't mistake the sound for a bomb.38 points

Letter Men

Everyone needs to get a t-shirt with a letter (or number) on it - you can make them with iron on decals. Just one big letter. Different colors, different styles, on the front or back. Throughout the day, stand near people making words in the hall...snap photos. So letters D, O, R, and K can run next to principal and quickly snap photo. They can't exactly make the whole class change, but they can however ask you put your shirt on inside as a precaution, put another letter on the othe...27 points


The entire senior class camps out in the front yard of the school....and sleep in.21 points

State Flowers

In most states (check yours) it is illegal to dig up the state flower (or sometimes tree). So if you plant the state flower in the shape of your class year, then they cannot legally dig them up.20 points

Tiny Bookmarks

Create thousands of tiny bookmarks saying something like Class of '0? - Senior Prank; or Class of '0? was Here. Put them in thousands of books in the library ... 10 years later people will still be finding them.14 points

Parking Problems 1

Seniors, park your cars in a circle around the close together that a person would have to climb over a car to get to the building.12 points

Swap for Diploma

Have everyone slip something into the principal's hand when you shake hands at graduation. Examples: a marble, a bouncy ball, a cigarette (if he smokes), a penny, a fortune cookie fortune, ...11 points

Parking Problems 2

Seniors, park your cars in a maze shape nice and early making the faculty navigate through.10 points

For Sale By pwner

Put real estate ad in newspaper offering the school for sale.9 points


Rub Vaseline over the doorknobs so that when the bell rings everyone's hands will be slimy for the rest of the day. If your hand rails are yellow like mine; get some mustard from the cafeteria and use that. Do NOT put Vaseline into locks. Do not put it on railings that are on steps.8 points

Used Car Lot

Turn the faculty parking lot into a used car lot, complete with balloons, salesmen in suits, window stickers, and soap drawn prices - if possible, get giant blow up animal.4 points


Order items from take out several take-out restaurants to be delivered to you at school - prepaid with credit card.4 points

Letters to the Staff

Send letters to the faculty and staff (at home addresses - look them up). Have the return address label be something funny...that may have a spouse or kid scratching their head. Add letter inside stating that your class shall not be forgotten. Return Address Possibilities: National Association of Overprotective Parents, Parents Wanting No Drama (PWND), The New Kakistocracy (kakistocracy means government by the least qualified or most unprincipled citizens)....4 points


Edit some photos of principal to be funny - include your class year...distribute in bulk.4 points

Class Relocated

On a nice day, move all chairs outside in class size groups. Post a room number on each group. Inside, on the door of each classroom post note like "Class relocated to the flagpole". Report to class..outside.4 points

Rubber Duckie

Rubber Duckies in the pool or a fountain, or on a pond.4 points

Bouncing Halls

Buy thousands of bouncy balls-of all sizes- and distribute them to many seniors. Dump them all over the hall. The stairwells are off limits!4 points

Zip Tie/Cable Tie fun

Get a ton of zip ties(pretty cheap in bulk.) Get every desk, chair, or other mobile object and zip tie them to something that is solid and can't be lifted(i.e. a post, hand rail.) In my school the little rail on the second floor has a chain link type fence. Make sure to pull the zip tie as tight as possible to make for harder cutting off. If your really into it move on and get everyone's locker too.4 points

Anyone Got a Snow Machine?

If one. Snowballs on the front lawn!3 points

Post-it Note Mayhem

Come in early enough so this will work- If there is a certain hall in your school, get a whole bunch of post-it notes and cover that hall with them entirely. Write a message on a few so people will stop and look at them, even spell out something on the floor. Then, around school, have various post-it notes labeling: Class of 0?- Post-it Bandits3 points

Marching Band

Get the marching band to do a special an event or just during class...perhaps some rock music...hip hop?2 points


Heard of the Grand Central Freezing point? Well you can make a class of '0- freezing point. Make sure most of the seniors are in on the prank (include a few juniors, sophomores, and freshmen). Everyone should meet up in the auditorium or a classroom big enough to fit everyone. Then make sure everyone has synchronized their watches/phones... then tell everyone to scatter around the whole school... when the watch/phone goes off... everyone should freeze... its the coolest/freakiest thing ever!!!2 points

Cellphone Chaos

Everyone who has cellphones, turn the ringer on high during a class. Be sure to have the same ring tone everyone else has. Then, have everyone turn their ringer on one minute after each other, or when the ring tone of the person before them ends. For a bigger affect, get all the seniors at your school to do this at the same time.2 points


On every door in the school put a sign on it that says DUMBLE and see how long it takes the school to get it. (like dumbledore)1 point


Put a huge Zombies Ahead sign out front. Then everyone dress like a zombie.0 points

Foam Peanuts

Fill a room with packaging peanuts. Better yet, put cellophane wrap around windows and fill the gap between the cellophane and the window with packaging peanuts. From the outside, it will appear that the whole room is filled.

Senior Prank Photos 

2005 Senior Prank by Dana Rocks
Forks Close-Up by Dana Rocks
DSC 0048 by artgoeshere
Dixie Allie and Amanda before Senior Prank by Sky Eckstrom
Josh and Cameron during Senior Prank by Sky Eckstrom
Stabilizing the mast by Merritt Boyd
Before Senior Prank by Sky Eckstrom
Senior Prank in Mrs. Alvis's Room by Sky Eckstrom
Dorm Prank by k1ng
Punking Neal's Office: Welcome Back by Jake Sutton
First Strike 015 by Jonathan Assink
curated content from Flickr

Pranking Equipment 

Cell Phone Voice Changer

Ideal for prank calls
Amazon Price: $20.75 (as of 04/18/2011) Buy Now

KJB Security VC168 Novelty Portable Voice Changer

Can you get your hands on the school PA system?
Amazon Price: $26.60 (as of 04/18/2011) Buy Now

Videos of Pranks 

HHS Senior Prank 007
HHS Senior Prank 007 6 points
spider-man and doc ock medical school prank
spider-man and doc o... 1 point
pacman school prank
pacman school prank 1 point
Senior Prank NRHS 2004
Senior Prank NRHS 20... 0 points
Senior Prank - LWA 2006 (Mest - Jaded)
Senior Prank - LWA 2... 0 points
Norfolk Academy 1986 Senior Prank - Filling up the Pit
Norfolk Academy 1986... 0 points
Gorillas Senior Prank
Gorillas Senior Pran... 0 points
Heritage Senior Prank
Heritage Senior Pran... 0 points
GCA Senior Prank 2007
GCA Senior Prank 200... 0 points
First Assembly Senior Prank 2007
First Assembly Senio... 0 points
Senior Prank: FORKS
Senior Prank: FORKS 0 points
Bullis Senior Prank 2007
Bullis Senior Prank... 
If your are looking for some more prank ideas, check out:

Underpants of Science Museum 

20060331-Underpants-ld-Sign1 by underpantsofscience
20060331-Underpants-ld-Hopper by underpantsofscience
20060331-Underpants-ld-klein2 by underpantsofscience
20060331-Underpants-ld-Einstein2 by underpantsofscience
20060331-Underpants-ld-Lovelace by underpantsofscience
20060331-Underpants-ld-CornellFeynman by underpantsofscience
curated content from Flickr

Okay, so they pulled it off... 

But I would not suggest trying it again

These pranks did work. They were funny. But given the same set of logistics, I would not recommend anyone attempt a replay.

I think the super balls were a good idea...but on the staircase? Bad.

Senior Prank
by snowblow07 | video info

193 ratings | 87,895 views
curated content from YouTube

No No No 

These are not pranks

These are not pranks. They are vandalous, illegal, and wrong. They are not funny, but merely show that you are as stupid as everyone thinks.

- NO fire
- NO fireworks
- NO pulling the fire alarm
- NOTHING would harm anyone
- NO contaminating food...can get dangerous...allergies...
- NO blocking exits
- NO destruction of property
- NOTHING slippery on floors or stairs
- NO animal cruelty including letting animals loose on campus...cows, chickens, pigs, mice, rats,... Even if it starts out innocent, it could end in cruelty if only accidentally.
- NO targeting one person to the point of being mean
- NO targeting any student
- NOTHING resulting in large expense to the school
- NO tp-ing the place (it's just stupid)
- NOTHING that can get someone fired (don't drop porn in teacher's desk...)
- NO fraud, NO felonies
- NOTHING that would require police, or firemen ... they have far more important things to deal with
- NO threats


IMG_1154 by sparkedheart
IMG_1129 by sparkedheart
IMG_1049 by sparkedheart
IMG_1285 by sparkedheart
IMG_1175 by sparkedheart
IMG_1109 by sparkedheart
IMG_1213 by sparkedheart
IMG_1230 by sparkedheart
IMG_1227 by sparkedheart
IMG_1170 by sparkedheart
IMG_1054 by sparkedheart
curated content from Flickr

News on Senior Pranks 

Often the news stories tell of people arrested for stupid and careless senior pranks. Don't follow their lead.
Senior Prank May Be Behind Bixby School Bus Vandalism
This is a picture of one of the bus tires that was flattened on April 11, 2011. Bixby School busses sit at the district's bus barn Monday morning. A Bixby Public Schools bus drops students off several hours late Monday, after dozens of buses were found ...
Betty White senior citizen prank show coming to NBC
by Lynette Rice NBC's getting back into the Betty White biz. The Peacock has ordered 12 episodes of Betty White's Off Their Rockers, (working title) a new hidden-camera comedy show that will be hosted and executive -produced by White herself. ...
Hollis French had alibi for 1976 Summit High senior prank
The Summit (Colo.) Daily News's "Tiger Tracker" caught up with Alaska Sen. Hollis French, D-Anchorage, who graduated Summit County High School in 1976, two years before he moved to Alaska. After a short treatment of Sen. French's career and personal ...
New Jersey Students Face Criminal Charges For Senior Prank Involving Live Chicken
After throwing a live chicken into their high school as a senior prank, two New Jersey students face criminal charges and may not be able to participate in graduation ceremonies, reports NBC New York. Anthony Cesareo and Tyler Bruno bought a live ...

Peace on Earth 

Peace Sign Senior Prank
by Djronan1 | video info

13 ratings | 5,366 views
curated content from YouTube

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