Saturday 12 March 2011

Project 1-B


Case Study - Interactive Art & Installation Design

To expose students to the commercial & cultural implications of Interactive Installation.
To foster awareness of the development of Interactive Art/ Installation.
To enable students to engage in research and enhance their critical analytical skills.
To develop independent and critical thinking in their own pursue of project direction & in self-assessment.


Study an (interactive) installation artist/ designer whose works are inspiring to you. Your study must include:  
A short biography

Light Stairs

The original light Stairs project was one of a series of commercials commissioned by Volkswagen as social experiments.  These “experiments” aimed to redesign
everyday objects in such a way that people were encouraged to change their behavior for the better. light stairs ,its made by LED light with the sensor to detect movement. It’s just about making stairs fun! So people chose the stairs .Its used humor and fun to the work mix.  Simply this machine change people’s behaviors and give them some free fun.

Nick name: catskillwoodgas

I guess I'm just a young man who believes that changing the world is worth attempting. Most people tell you that's just a symptom of youth, but I've been taught by my friends -- dreamers, eccentrics, and successful adults in their own rights -- that you don't necessarily have to grow out of it if you don't want to. We don't all have to ware ponchos and live in huts, but we should all do something creative, innovative, and effective in the interest of protecting and restoring our planet. After all, it's the only one we've got!

Choice of media

Media Entertainment


Proposition; issue/s in his/ her concern or what inform the artist's works.

We know in crowded place like subway piano stairs is annoying for this solution and replacement we should use light stairs as alternative because  it’s so easy to motivate people to walk and also its Brilliant idea and a great way to promote healthy lifestyle Few people actually follow that advice. Can we get more people to take the stairs over the escalator or elevator by making it fun to do? Something as simple as fun is the easiest way to change people’s behavior for healthier. Be it for yourself, for the environment, or for something entirely different, the only thing that matters is that it’s change for the better.

Research on 1 installation art pieces/ projects and 1 (media-based) interactive installation pieces/ projects of whom you find interesting. Your findings must include:

All people with different races finding lighting stairs interesting, except disable people who can’t walk and used piano stairs. People with the different background shows the different reaction, Take the stairs instead of the escalator or elevator and feel better” is something. Few people actually follow that advice. Can we get more people to take the stairs over the escalator by making it fun to do
Choice of media

Media Entertainment

motivate people to walk and a great way to promote healthy lifestyle
 This is creative idea at this time maybe help or encourage  people to walk out and have some exercise
Detailed description of the 'formal' qualities of the art work (form).

people interact with this  idea and they like to explore and find new experience and they don’t like to use escalators and they have Cruisity to find new experience ,The creators made interactive sensor for each step when people walk up or down they sensor detect the movement and shows reaction
Analysis of the interactivity in the work (function/s).

is connect the wire with the light and sensor in that way each wire have own function and So many wire used to connect the wires and sensor. each stairs have the different sensor and when someone walking on the stairs the light will be on
Materials/ technology/ equipment/ gadget/ system

wire connected with the Led light and sensor and electricity.

A personal comment

I think piano stairs would be annoying during rush hour, but light stairs can be good replacement for that  and who needs more tension from unpleasant noise during a stressful travel? Light stair don’t have the noise and just react with people movement  Although I am sure it would work the first few times people saw the light stairs and after a couple of days people are not get bored. Take the stairs instead of the escalator or elevator and feel better This is amazing, incorporating art into our daily lives should be a priority now. Especially during hard time that you engage with your daily ,The idea is nice 

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